Frogs & bollards

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      Frogs & bollards

      With one of our sturdy cleats or bollards you can safely moor your boat to any jetty or quay with one of our mooring lines . The range consists of cleats with screw holes in many sizes, bollards with bolt mounting.

      Our frogs are supplied in Brass, Chrome or Stainless Steel

      We offer cleats & bollards for all types of boats. It is important that you purchase the correct bollards or cleats for your boat. The size and weight of your boat are important. Heavy bollards or cleats can in principle be mounted on any boat. However, this is necessary for larger and heavier boats.

      It may also be necessary to assemble multiple copies. Especially on longer boats. If you install too few or too light bollards or cleats, you run the risk that this boat will not hold and may break. For a small, light boat, almost any bollard or cleat is suitable.

      For orders over 100 euro shipping is completely free.

      If you have a question about one of our articles, you can reach us by telephone on 020 624 52 51.