Schatz Instruments

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    The company August Schatz & Sohne from Triberg (Black Forest) Germany and the clocks they made have an interesting history.

    Around the year 1960, Schatz marine instruments were imported from Germany to Denmark, laying the foundation for Schatz's current success.

    Clocks, Barometer and comfort meter

    In the following years, after production and sales declined somewhat, Schatz first sold the company to clock maker Altitude, but this did not bring the success that was expected.
    Delite purchased Schatz 1881 around 2015 and is now continuing production undisturbed.

    For orders over 100 euro Shipping is completely free, so most models are shipped for free!

    If you have a question about one of our Schatz articles, you can reach us by telephone on 020 624 52 51.